
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have been enformed that I need to update my blog........and being here now and seeing the last time I posted was Oct 09 I realize that yes I need to update but life has been crazy as anyone with two little boys knows. Trick or Treating with my two dears was hilarious we also carved pumpkins with the cousins in Oct another fun time and very very messy. Thanksgiving was eventful. My Father in law was taken to the ER and my boys and I spent the night on Grandma Andrews couch waiting for daddy to come and get us. Which he finally did at 5 in the morning, so much for going shopping at the crack of dawn on Black Friday. But that was the beginning of a crazy month... my fil was admitted and spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital where they finally decided that he had cancer and it was terminal and he was sent home. Brian spent the entire month going from work to the hospital and then his parents home to our house where he would shower and be back to work again. I don't know how he managed and then Christmas eve his dad passed away. So Christmas was not at all what I had expected or planned for. Then January came and went and here we have arrive in Feburary.
Happy Valentines Day its belated of course but I do send out lots of love to you all
James and I made Valentines for the Grandmas and great grandmas and Grandpas out of foam hearts and instead of glitter we used sticky foam hearts to decorate them they were very cute!!!

My Sweet husband managed to supprise me this year he bought me long stem roses and a $25 gift card to Starbucks! Such a sweetie!!!

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