
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Boys

I figured I would post two seperate posts.
Snicklefritz is getting so big!!! He has recently realized that crawling is a great way to get around and has a blast following his big brother and mommy around the house. He has quickly gone from just crawling to now pulling himself up and letting go so I have no doubt that he will be walking very soon. Watch out mommy!!! He is my snuggle bug, he loves his blankie and after being away from it for a while will pick it up and rub it on his face making all sorts of happy noises. =-) Brian said just the other day that Isaac had found a dirty blankie on the other side of the gate from him and he sat there in front of the gate crying for his blankie. He gets excited to see his blankie and his bottle too bouncing up and down and squealing in delight. Although he feels he doesn't get enough to eat and must supplement his food with anything paper that he can get his hands on. Which made Christmas OH sooo much fun!!!! Isaacs favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle Little star esspecially when mommy sings it!! and he loves to watch Winnie the Pooh and will sit motionless for a very long time watching pooh!

Funky Winkerbean is as busy as ever getting into whatever he can. He has a thing about having every last toy on the floor and will open every tub or container and dump it on the floor just so it is out. Which makes for ohhh so much fun for mommy every night. Since we moved Isaac into the nursery with James (over Christmas break), James has decided that he no longer needs to stay in his crib but should join his baby brother in his crib and or demolish the bedroom for entertainment. Now rather than waking up screaming he gets up and wakes his brother then plays for a while and when he gets board with that I hear a knock knock knock on the door and a MOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!!! and if he does not get a response from mommy it becomes DAAAAADDDDYYYYYY!!!!
It is sooo much fun to watch the two of them interact with one another James can be sooo loving and kind and the very next min not nice at all but Isaac is finding his voice and has no issue with screaming his frustration if Brother will not give him the toy he wants or takes his toy from him.

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