
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shopping for Halloween costumes

Times have seriously changed since I was a kid!! I don't remember ever really shopping for a costume, But then again my mother was very creative and an exellent seamstress!!! If only I had half her tallent I wouldn't have had to go through this whole debackle nor would I have had to pay $20 for a piece of cheap foam and some other very cheap material. As my husband so sweetly informed me that to James it was worth the $20 dollars.

We, on Sat, were invited to go with Grandma Andrews, Aunty Kathleen, Uncle Charlie and Cousins Mackenzie, Trenton, and baby Logan to go shopping for costumes for James and Isaac. I had been to Target and Wal Mart and had a general idea of what I was intending to dress them up as. Little did I know that my 18 mos old child would have a very STRONG opinion about what he wanted to be. I should have figured!! Because he has an opinion on everything else in his world why not the halloween costume!
For those of you who have never taken a small child shopping for a halloween costume, well actually shopping for anything, doing so on a 20 min nap is not a good idea and then you add to that 5 other people who are sooo excited to be shopping for your first costume ever, and it truly is too much for one small person to handle. We had a total melt down in the middle of the store REFUSED to let anyone touch us let alone look at us. lol Ohhh and for those of you who think I am refering to Isaac you would be wrong he slept through most of this ordeal and the rest of the time sat in his car seat happily listening to his big brother freak out!!
I finally convinced James that he, mommy, and Isaac would all go over to Target and we would buy James and Isaac monkey costumes. I am thinking this is great I will have two very cute adoreable cuddly monkeys. The pictures will be so cute. We get to Target and my child see's a train costume, We now no longer like the idea of beeing a Monkey, Heaven forbid I even mention the word monkey to my child He WANTS to be a "T" By this point in the shopping trip I didn't care. We bought the costumes and came home. When we got home I realized the train costume that we purchased was not Thomas the Tank engine like I thought but "James" from the Thomas the Tank engine series. So James will be "James" and Isaac will be one darling little monkey!
When I showed Brian the boys costumes Brian looked at James's and said you PAID $20 for this!!! I informed him that I had told him I wasn't happy with paying that much. LOL

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