
Friday, September 3, 2010


MOMMY I NEED CAKE!!!! This is the statement being screamed at me as I am waking up this morning. Okay James I don't have any cake but we can discuss this in a little bit I respond hoping that the idea of cake will be forgotten!!! Unfortunatly the topic wasn't forgotten.....
"I NEED" is James new favorite phrase which makes his mommy laugh everytime she hears it and it usually comes out when we have already said no! Daddy I NEED more tea daddy ..... Mommy I NEED milk!!! usually it is forgotten after once or twice but not today and not with cake. I do not know what possesed him to want cake. We haven't seen any or watched any or for that matter had any recently but James needed it and it seems he needed it NOW!!!
Now there are really only two major issues with James wanting cake that is besides the fact that I have no car to go anywhere. 1) We don't have any cake (already made) and 2) my oven is not working as in it doesn't warm up at all. SO how am I suppose to provide for this NEED?!?!?! Well if I use the toaster oven that will solve for major issue number 2 and in the long run major issue number 1. Now to pick the cake mix and prepare the ingrediments. Now to aquire the side kick who NEEDS cake. James was thrilled beyond belief to help mommy make cupcakes. THe finished product was pretty good too!!!

Cog aka Frog

Wenesday evenings around the Andrews house consist of daddy coming home and everyone heading off to church for choir practice. This is where Daddy works the sound booth and depending on mommys mood or energy level Snicklfritz, Funky Winkerbean and mommy all go shopping. Sometimes only one of the boys comes with mommy otherwise and more recently everyone just hangs out at the church. There are other children there running wild and so "choir practice" is a little crazy. Having the youngest children and the most stuff to put away at the end of the evening the Andrews family is ALWAYS last to leave church. This past Wed the sun had long since set leaving a cool breaze and lots of bugs out and about. Our church sits in the middle of a bunch of fields with a stream running by. Being that the church parking lot is hidden from the road behind the church it makes for a great place to be conducting business not proper for a church therefore the church has put up lights on the side of the building that were on this wednesday drawing the bugs in droves and along with the bugs, FROGS!! big ones and little ones all very facinating to a little boy. mommy tried to catch one so that FB could poke and touch and check it out however those frogs are fast. One went hopping under our car which concerned both mommy and funky winkerbean greatly. The frog was fine as daddy pulled out of the parking lot.
We didn't get far on our adventure looking for Trains when from the back seat we hear Daddy!!! cog daddy? Daddy not sure what was being asked of him questioned Funky on multiple things and then turned to mommy to see if she knew what a cog was Well it click for one parent or the other that he was refering to the frog. Which was the topic of conversation for the next 30 min or more. FB wanted a cog but mommy explained that the frog was eating buggs for dinner and that the frog needed to stay there with the mommy frog. Then we hear from the back seat Mommy, cog.... cog.....eating... bug? Yes the frog is eating bugs!! Does FB and Mommy and Daddy eat bugs?? nope we eat cheese burgers and fruit and carrots and icecream. Do you eat bugs FB?? YES!!! is the reply with a little giggle that only FB can giggle!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

They have struck again

On Friday we went to Sams, it was late and the boys had fallen asleep in the car on the way there. When we arrived we discussed how to handle the situation and decided to wake the boys and bring them in although Brian laid down a blanket in the basket of the cart where James has been known to sleep before while shopping at Sams. James was overly cranky and whiney but we were going to get our shopping done. While going up and down the many isles of Sams we came across a shelf full of Nacho Cheese doritos and James insisted on grabing a bag and when question by mommy about them James said they were for daddy. Yes daddy does like those chips and we have a picnic planned for the 4th so okay we will get those chips for daddy and we continued on our way the whole time James is clutching the doritos even when he was offered the chance to walk he insisted on taking the doritos with him. When daddy said he would prefer a different chip to the Nacho Cheese I knew there was no way we were going to be able to put the bag back at least not without a major meltdown and scene something I prefered not to have to deal with in such a LARGE public place. So we kept the doritos. Which in the anticipation of seeing a train and eating a cheeseburger were forgotten packed away in the trunk of the car with the rest of the groceries. When we arrived home a sleeping James was carried into the house and put in his bed.
Sat morning when most of the family enjoys sleeping in, dawned bright and early for James who evedently had Nacho Cheese doritos on the brain. As mommy and daddy slept soundly, James broke down the kitchen gate and stormed the pantry in search of the much desired doritos which upon finding carried them back to his own fortress managing to kill the bag and share the spoiles with his recently awaken comrades in arms Isaac who cheered James on from the confines of his prison. When they had eaten their fill they decided to destroy the evedence by smashing it to bits and then pretending it was foledge for their cars, trucks, and trains to drive through.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well it seems once again that I have let my ramblings lapse. Please do not be offended as I think of you often but there just seems to be far to much to cram into one day let alone adding to it blogging and on top of that my darling husband begins to feel neglected if I spend to much time on here when he is home. Poor thing!!! Does he not realize I am sharing our life stories with the family???? I think that is lost on him.
Today was a beautiful day!!!! just the right tempeture with white puffy clouds but mostly beautiful blue skys. James and Isaac had just settled down for a long afternoon nap and I was curled up in the rocking chair with a good book...... However that was not to be as first the one child and then the other stirred. Unfortunatly James was up after only maybe 30 min. Ya know I really wish I could get that kid to sleep!!! But alas the sunshine was calling his name and so was the nasty grimy kiddie pool I had set up last week before it rained and turned our back yard into a swampland similar to those in Louisiana.
Being the good mommy that I am I found a spray nossle for the hose so I would not have to touch that icky grime and proceeded to empty and then spray out the kiddie pool which used up any warm water that was sitting in the hose so when the time came to fill up the pool the back yard was a marshland and the pool was full of freezing water which James Happily jumpped in and then flew out of!!! lol
Disposible diapers have come a LONG way since I was a small child however they still have not learned how to overcome the kiddie pool so the diaper was removed and my darling child was thrilled beyond belief to run neked as a jay bird through the back yard which made his mommy smile at the cute butt running round stopping and squatting here or there to check out this or that. Although mommy did have to put the kabosh on the idea of going visiting in the birthday suit as he heard a group of kids a couple of house down from ours he was ready to set off and meet some new friends neked if I would have let him however I think it would be a good idea to keep the nudist colony in our own back yard for now!!!
Poor Isaac slept through all the fun and by the time he woke up we were in the house dressed and watching Peter Pan which has made James decide he wants to FLY!!! I might need to nail his feet to the floor!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ice Cream

In the town I grew up in ice cream trucks where things of tv shows and movies but they never ever came to my little neighborhood. Now that I live in NW Indiana they once the warm weather shows up they come out in droves and go up and down our street at least once a day through out the months of March through Oct. I find them exciting and willingly go running out to buy ice cream when I hear the tinkling tune of the truck. My husband on the other hand having grown up with them always driving around his neighborhood has lost the magic and the excitement of the ice cream truck.
James yesterday heard the tinkling bells and went rushing to the door in awe and excitement!!! When Brian was asked to take this excited child out to buy him and ice cream there was a great lack of enthusiasim at the idea of chasing down the ice cream truck but begrudgingly took the excited little boy out to get the ice cream.
They came back with a very expensive but none the less yummy looking Bugs Bunny with gumball eyes. James for the first 5 minutes could do nothing but look and ohhhh and aaahhhhh over the beloved ice cream before digging in and making a HUGE mess but as the mommy who has to clean it up feel it was well worth it!!! But I wonder about my darling husband and why he doesn't look at the magical ice cream truck the same way as his wife and child do, Is it his take it or leave it attitude about ice cream or is it truly a worn out opinion of the ice cream truck I do not know but I have no intentions of joining him in his attitude on ice cream or ice cream trucks!!!!
I just need to makes sure I keep plenty of change around this summer!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

James Birthday

My baby just turned two!! How is this possible? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was graduating from high school or heading off to Russia, or Moving to Maryland, or getting Married, or found out that we were expecting!!! or just went through 12 hours of labor, or just brought this little tiny bundle home from the hospital??? But now he is two and I wonder where the time went!!! I know a good nine months of it was spent in a tired daze with being preggers with Mr Issac but the last two years have been busy full of new things: walking and talking, getting his first,second, and third hair cuts and simply becoming a little boy!!
James is a sweetie pie and I can not imagine my life with out him even those moments when I want to scream and pull my hair out because he is being so frustrating I still wouldn't trade those moments for anything!!!
James has many interests in his small world, cars, trucks, Wall-e, but the one true love seems to be trains, it does not matter where he is or what is going on if he sees a train or thinks he sees a train his face lights up like you wouldn't believe and he squeals in delight and yells out "T" "T" "T"!!!
So for his birthday we decided to take him to a Train restaurant called "Tyler's Tenders" They have trains you can drive around, a large train you can ride on and if you sit at the counter a train will deliver your food. We had never been to this restaurant before which in hindsight that wasn't a good thing as there wasn't room for our party in the main part of the restaurant and so we were all at the counter. Those who attended the party where James cousins Zoe and Jefferson Norris, and McKenzie, Trenton, and Logan Andrews along with Uncle Jeff and Aunty Megan, Uncle Charlie and Aunt Kathleen and Grandma Andrews.
From the moment we walked into the place James was sooo very excited running from one thing to the next squealing in delight about all the trains!!! He and all the cousins rode on the train many many times and he was constantly over at the train table in fact he was a little overly excited and bumped another child right off the stool to drive the train.
For presents James received a very cool snake and lizard and book from cousin Zoe, Cousin Jefferson gave James a ball and a bubble blower, mommy and daddy gave James a train set, Cousins McKenzie, Trenton, and Logan gave James a whiffle ball and bat, and golf ball and club and a sprinkler, and Grandma Andrews gave James a very cool Thomas the tank engine tent. That takes up our entire living room!!! James is two and he is already getting toys to big to fit in our house!!! It is time for a bigger house!!
Everyone had cake and Ice cream and I do believe fun was had by all who attended!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I know I have very few followers and with my on again off again posting habits I am not sure how often people check my blog but why didn't some one tell me that I had WAY!!! to much hot pink going on there for a while???? Come on people I thought you were my friends =-) ya know if my undies are showing or I am wearing clashing colors ya need to tell me this!!! So I have toned my page down a bit.... would maybe like a little imput on the colors and layout. I think although nothing to harsh ya might hurt me feelings.

What to do with myself?

Ohhhh my!!!
My two sweet little boys are in the bedroom with door shut because they want it shut playing together well probably demolishing the room, Neither one has a sticht of clothing on both just wearing their diapers, playing with cars and stuffed animals. Wow!!! I never thought that this moment would come so early. The joys and giggles coming over the monitor well and actually a sob or two from Isaac so maybe mommy is going to have to go rescue Snicklefritz sooner than later =-) It is very cute though two diapered little boys standing together playing with their cars conversing in their own made up language that works just for them. Usually if I am at the computer they are at the gate fussing and complaining and trying to come to mommy. Part of me wants to go join in with my little people to watch them giggle and play and another part of me is wondering what I can I get done while they are playing happily and then there is this part of me that is sitting here in great fear wondering what major mess I am going to come upon when I open the bedroom door. Because with James there will be one. This Mommy knows!!! So maybe I can squeeze in a quiet time, or work on some dishes or even sit here and play a game of Jungle Jewels but I know as soon as I start something the magic will end and they both will be standing at the door banging to be let out of the prision they locked themselves in. Now if I could only get the cat to leave me alone!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It truly amazes me that I can have two children from the exact same parents. I ate pretty much the exact same things during both pregnancies but one child is a total snob when it comes to food a very VERY picky eater and if he decides that for some reason it isn't good enough for his consumption he will spit it out. In fact if during mid chew he sees something that would be better he will spit out whatever it is he is chewing and go in for whatever it was he spotted that MUST be better. Getting this child to eat anything can be very difficult and he has a few staples that he will eat. Chicken nuggets, fruit of any kind and cheese and thats about it. Now my other child you would think he had at some point been starved as he will eat whatever you put in front of him even if he doesn't like it. Which can make for some very comical faces but he will keep on eating. But this is also the child who if he sees his food or his bottle will get sooooo very excited bouncing up and down and kicking his legs it is very cute to watch!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Boys

I figured I would post two seperate posts.
Snicklefritz is getting so big!!! He has recently realized that crawling is a great way to get around and has a blast following his big brother and mommy around the house. He has quickly gone from just crawling to now pulling himself up and letting go so I have no doubt that he will be walking very soon. Watch out mommy!!! He is my snuggle bug, he loves his blankie and after being away from it for a while will pick it up and rub it on his face making all sorts of happy noises. =-) Brian said just the other day that Isaac had found a dirty blankie on the other side of the gate from him and he sat there in front of the gate crying for his blankie. He gets excited to see his blankie and his bottle too bouncing up and down and squealing in delight. Although he feels he doesn't get enough to eat and must supplement his food with anything paper that he can get his hands on. Which made Christmas OH sooo much fun!!!! Isaacs favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle Little star esspecially when mommy sings it!! and he loves to watch Winnie the Pooh and will sit motionless for a very long time watching pooh!

Funky Winkerbean is as busy as ever getting into whatever he can. He has a thing about having every last toy on the floor and will open every tub or container and dump it on the floor just so it is out. Which makes for ohhh so much fun for mommy every night. Since we moved Isaac into the nursery with James (over Christmas break), James has decided that he no longer needs to stay in his crib but should join his baby brother in his crib and or demolish the bedroom for entertainment. Now rather than waking up screaming he gets up and wakes his brother then plays for a while and when he gets board with that I hear a knock knock knock on the door and a MOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!!! and if he does not get a response from mommy it becomes DAAAAADDDDYYYYYY!!!!
It is sooo much fun to watch the two of them interact with one another James can be sooo loving and kind and the very next min not nice at all but Isaac is finding his voice and has no issue with screaming his frustration if Brother will not give him the toy he wants or takes his toy from him.


I have been enformed that I need to update my blog........and being here now and seeing the last time I posted was Oct 09 I realize that yes I need to update but life has been crazy as anyone with two little boys knows. Trick or Treating with my two dears was hilarious we also carved pumpkins with the cousins in Oct another fun time and very very messy. Thanksgiving was eventful. My Father in law was taken to the ER and my boys and I spent the night on Grandma Andrews couch waiting for daddy to come and get us. Which he finally did at 5 in the morning, so much for going shopping at the crack of dawn on Black Friday. But that was the beginning of a crazy month... my fil was admitted and spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital where they finally decided that he had cancer and it was terminal and he was sent home. Brian spent the entire month going from work to the hospital and then his parents home to our house where he would shower and be back to work again. I don't know how he managed and then Christmas eve his dad passed away. So Christmas was not at all what I had expected or planned for. Then January came and went and here we have arrive in Feburary.
Happy Valentines Day its belated of course but I do send out lots of love to you all
James and I made Valentines for the Grandmas and great grandmas and Grandpas out of foam hearts and instead of glitter we used sticky foam hearts to decorate them they were very cute!!!

My Sweet husband managed to supprise me this year he bought me long stem roses and a $25 gift card to Starbucks! Such a sweetie!!!