
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

They have struck again

On Friday we went to Sams, it was late and the boys had fallen asleep in the car on the way there. When we arrived we discussed how to handle the situation and decided to wake the boys and bring them in although Brian laid down a blanket in the basket of the cart where James has been known to sleep before while shopping at Sams. James was overly cranky and whiney but we were going to get our shopping done. While going up and down the many isles of Sams we came across a shelf full of Nacho Cheese doritos and James insisted on grabing a bag and when question by mommy about them James said they were for daddy. Yes daddy does like those chips and we have a picnic planned for the 4th so okay we will get those chips for daddy and we continued on our way the whole time James is clutching the doritos even when he was offered the chance to walk he insisted on taking the doritos with him. When daddy said he would prefer a different chip to the Nacho Cheese I knew there was no way we were going to be able to put the bag back at least not without a major meltdown and scene something I prefered not to have to deal with in such a LARGE public place. So we kept the doritos. Which in the anticipation of seeing a train and eating a cheeseburger were forgotten packed away in the trunk of the car with the rest of the groceries. When we arrived home a sleeping James was carried into the house and put in his bed.
Sat morning when most of the family enjoys sleeping in, dawned bright and early for James who evedently had Nacho Cheese doritos on the brain. As mommy and daddy slept soundly, James broke down the kitchen gate and stormed the pantry in search of the much desired doritos which upon finding carried them back to his own fortress managing to kill the bag and share the spoiles with his recently awaken comrades in arms Isaac who cheered James on from the confines of his prison. When they had eaten their fill they decided to destroy the evedence by smashing it to bits and then pretending it was foledge for their cars, trucks, and trains to drive through.

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