
Friday, September 3, 2010


MOMMY I NEED CAKE!!!! This is the statement being screamed at me as I am waking up this morning. Okay James I don't have any cake but we can discuss this in a little bit I respond hoping that the idea of cake will be forgotten!!! Unfortunatly the topic wasn't forgotten.....
"I NEED" is James new favorite phrase which makes his mommy laugh everytime she hears it and it usually comes out when we have already said no! Daddy I NEED more tea daddy ..... Mommy I NEED milk!!! usually it is forgotten after once or twice but not today and not with cake. I do not know what possesed him to want cake. We haven't seen any or watched any or for that matter had any recently but James needed it and it seems he needed it NOW!!!
Now there are really only two major issues with James wanting cake that is besides the fact that I have no car to go anywhere. 1) We don't have any cake (already made) and 2) my oven is not working as in it doesn't warm up at all. SO how am I suppose to provide for this NEED?!?!?! Well if I use the toaster oven that will solve for major issue number 2 and in the long run major issue number 1. Now to pick the cake mix and prepare the ingrediments. Now to aquire the side kick who NEEDS cake. James was thrilled beyond belief to help mommy make cupcakes. THe finished product was pretty good too!!!

Cog aka Frog

Wenesday evenings around the Andrews house consist of daddy coming home and everyone heading off to church for choir practice. This is where Daddy works the sound booth and depending on mommys mood or energy level Snicklfritz, Funky Winkerbean and mommy all go shopping. Sometimes only one of the boys comes with mommy otherwise and more recently everyone just hangs out at the church. There are other children there running wild and so "choir practice" is a little crazy. Having the youngest children and the most stuff to put away at the end of the evening the Andrews family is ALWAYS last to leave church. This past Wed the sun had long since set leaving a cool breaze and lots of bugs out and about. Our church sits in the middle of a bunch of fields with a stream running by. Being that the church parking lot is hidden from the road behind the church it makes for a great place to be conducting business not proper for a church therefore the church has put up lights on the side of the building that were on this wednesday drawing the bugs in droves and along with the bugs, FROGS!! big ones and little ones all very facinating to a little boy. mommy tried to catch one so that FB could poke and touch and check it out however those frogs are fast. One went hopping under our car which concerned both mommy and funky winkerbean greatly. The frog was fine as daddy pulled out of the parking lot.
We didn't get far on our adventure looking for Trains when from the back seat we hear Daddy!!! cog daddy? Daddy not sure what was being asked of him questioned Funky on multiple things and then turned to mommy to see if she knew what a cog was Well it click for one parent or the other that he was refering to the frog. Which was the topic of conversation for the next 30 min or more. FB wanted a cog but mommy explained that the frog was eating buggs for dinner and that the frog needed to stay there with the mommy frog. Then we hear from the back seat Mommy, cog.... cog.....eating... bug? Yes the frog is eating bugs!! Does FB and Mommy and Daddy eat bugs?? nope we eat cheese burgers and fruit and carrots and icecream. Do you eat bugs FB?? YES!!! is the reply with a little giggle that only FB can giggle!!!