My baby just turned two!! How is this possible? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was graduating from high school or heading off to Russia, or Moving to Maryland, or getting Married, or found out that we were expecting!!! or just went through 12 hours of labor, or just brought this little tiny bundle home from the hospital??? But now he is two and I wonder where the time went!!! I know a good nine months of it was spent in a tired daze with being preggers with Mr Issac but the last two years have been busy full of new things: walking and talking, getting his first,second, and third hair cuts and simply becoming a little boy!!
James is a sweetie pie and I can not imagine my life with out him even those moments when I want to scream and pull my hair out because he is being so frustrating I still wouldn't trade those moments for anything!!!
James has many interests in his small world, cars, trucks, Wall-e, but the one true love seems to be trains, it does not matter where he is or what is going on if he sees a train or thinks he sees a train his face lights up like you wouldn't believe and he squeals in delight and yells out "T" "T" "T"!!!
So for his birthday we decided to take him to a Train restaurant called "Tyler's Tenders" They have trains you can drive around, a large train you can ride on and if you sit at the counter a train will deliver your food. We had never been to this restaurant before which in hindsight that wasn't a good thing as there wasn't room for our party in the main part of the restaurant and so we were all at the counter. Those who attended the party where James cousins Zoe and Jefferson Norris, and McKenzie, Trenton, and Logan Andrews along with Uncle Jeff and Aunty Megan, Uncle Charlie and Aunt Kathleen and Grandma Andrews.
From the moment we walked into the place James was sooo very excited running from one thing to the next squealing in delight about all the trains!!! He and all the cousins rode on the train many many times and he was constantly over at the train table in fact he was a little overly excited and bumped another child right off the stool to drive the train.
For presents James received a very cool snake and lizard and book from cousin Zoe, Cousin Jefferson gave James a ball and a bubble blower, mommy and daddy gave James a train set, Cousins McKenzie, Trenton, and Logan gave James a whiffle ball and bat, and golf ball and club and a sprinkler, and Grandma Andrews gave James a very cool Thomas the tank engine tent. That takes up our entire living room!!! James is two and he is already getting toys to big to fit in our house!!! It is time for a bigger house!!
Everyone had cake and Ice cream and I do believe fun was had by all who attended!!!